Monday, September 26, 2011

The Real Cost of Laser Hair Removal

Whenever one thinks about getting rid of unwanted body hair permanently, the cost of laser hair removal procedures comes to mind. Laser hair removal became available as a commercial procedure in the 1990's. Since then, the technology has developed in leaps and bounds, and with each new innovation in the types of lasers used for the method, the cost has also gone higher. However, being a permanent method of removing hair, laser treatment can be a very good solution for excess body hair if you are willing to pay the price.

Many people fear the cost of laser hair removal process, which is the reason they don't opt for it. What they do not realize is that it is a long-term and permanent solution to extra hair problems, rather than going for a regular monthly removal using other methods. When you add up the monthly cost of say waxing, for a period of 10 years, it will turn out to be more expensive than the one time cost of laser hair treatment.

Laser Surgery

Let's take the example of the other hair removal methods and their cost, comparing them to the cost of laser hair removal. Shaving is probably the cheapest method of hair removal, but not very effective as hair grows back within days and is also very time consuming. You get waxing kits that you can use by yourself at home, but then again, it involves pain and a lot of time as well. Professional waxing is available at salons, but they too are costly and need to be done regularly to keep hair from growing back. Comparing all these methods, which have to be performed continuously, are time consuming, and eventually end up costing more in the overall picture, the cost of laser removal begins to look cheap!

Nowadays, with the advent of newer, faster and smoother lasers for removing hair, the cost is spread over a wide range. For those who cannot afford the high end devices, there are cheaper-than-others laser removal treatments available. Another factor that determines overall cost of laser hair removal procedures is the type of body hair you possess. Some might require just one or two sessions of laser removal, while others might require more. So, the cost of laser hair removal varies according to the number of sessions needed. Some centers that offer these services give discounted rates if you pay for all sessions up front, though you also have the choice of paying for each individual session.

When it comes to excess or unwanted body hair, most people would agree that paying a certain price to get rid of the hair is well worth having a beautiful self and a good self-esteem. After all, hairless, soft and silky skin is something every woman craves for. Therefore, considering the high cost these methods is not completely out of the question. At the end of the day, the cost of laser hair removal is relatively cheaper when you compare it to other procedures in the long run.

Is it going to cost a small fortune to remove my hair by laser?

See what I discovered while researching my own laser hair treatment.

The Real Cost of Laser Hair Removal



  1. Only after a previous consultation the cost of a laser hair removal treatment can be determined because there are so many factors involved in this process.
    When I did the first laser hair removal treatment in Toronto I thought the number of session is the same for all patients, but only after the consultation I realized that that's not true....

  2. before taking a laser hair removal you should check first the clinic and their price range per session.
